Check all products you buy or sell against CPSC’s recall listings. Sign up for CPSC’s Email Announcements of all recalls (Spanish version available) and KID’s monthly Email Alerts listing all child product recalls and safety information. Avoid selling used cribs, car seats, and bike helmets which may be unsafe due to involvement in an accident, missing or broken hardware, or not meeting current safety standards. In addition, do not sell walkers, bath seats, and sleep positioners as these are not safe for use. Only sell children’s jewelry, toys, and durable goods such as play yards, strollers, and high chairs if they are certified as meeting current standards. Do not buy or sell items that are broken or missing pieces, especially if they require assembly. Beware of products with protruding hardware or rotating rails that do not properly lock into place. Include manufacturer information, instructions, and product registration cards when possible. These are sometimes available on the manufacturer’s website. Drawstrings and ties on clothing should be removed as they pose strangulation hazard.
Following these guidelines will ensure your products are safe. Contact email@kidsindanger.org for further information.
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