Recently, the CPSC launched an
investigation into parents' complaints of the latest version of Pampers diapers, Pampers with Dry Max. Parents alleged that Pampers with Dry Max are causing rashes, burns and bleeding. Parents' have expressed their growing concerns and complaints on online sites including a
Facebook page, where concerns were first reported by a consumer approximately two weeks ago. Since then, the number of members of the page has doubled to more than 4,200 and the complaints continue to grow.
Procter & Gamble, the parent company, says the ingredients in the diaper should not be causing the rashes and suggests they often get increased complaints anytime a new product is introduced.
We urge all parents who have experienced any problems with Pampers with Dry Max to file a complaint with the CPSC by filling out an
online form, by emailing the agency at
info@cpsc.gov or calling its hotline at 800-638-2772.
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